
  • Ssis File Mapping Object Could Not Be Opened
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 28. 19:33

    Please start any new threads on our newsite at. We've got lots of great SQL Serverexperts to answer whatever question you can come up with.Data flow flat file helpAuthorTopicjbphoenixYak Posting Veteran68 PostsPosted - 2009-01-05: 14:33:57This is my first attempt at creating a package.

    I'm am importing a txt file into a table. On the Data flow tab I have my flat file source and then the sql server destination. Here is what the Progress tab shows. I'm not too sure why the SQL Server destination task turns Red.SSIS package 'Package.dtsx' starting.Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.Information: 0x40043006 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.Information: 0x40043007 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, SQL Server Destination 282: SSIS Error Code DTSEOLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.An OLE DB record is available. Source: 'Microsoft SQL Native Client' Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: 'Could not bulk load because SSIS file mapping object 'GlobalDTSQLIMPORT ' could not be opened.

    Operating system error code 2(The system cannot find the file specified.). Make sure you are accessing a local server via Windows security.' .Error: 0xC0202071 at Data Flow Task, SQL Server Destination 282: Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion.Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component 'SQL Server Destination' (282) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202071.Information: 0x40043009 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.Information: 0x4004300B at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: 'component 'SQL Server Destination' (282)' wrote 0 rows.Task failed: Data Flow TaskWarning: 0x80019002 at Package: SSIS Warning Code DTSWMAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount.

    Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.SSIS package 'Package.dtsx' finished: Failure.hey001usPosting Yak Master185 PostsPosted - 2009-01-05: 14:44:471) Did you created new flat file connection manager?2) What is the path of the file that you pointed on the connection manager?3) Is the path and file name are correct? And got access to the path?4) How you are mapping your column name? (1st row or manual)heyjbphoenixYak Posting Veteran68 PostsPosted - 2009-01-05: 14:54:421.

    I did create new flat file connection mgr and I can preview the data.2. The file is located on a file server3. The path and file name are correct since I can preview the data.4.

    I have mapped the column names. I'm only using 1 column at this time for testing purposes. Once I get it work correctly I'll add the others.hey001usPosting Yak Master185 PostsPosted - 2009-01-05: 15:02:30An OLE DB record is available. Source: 'Microsoft SQL Native Client' Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: 'Could not bulk load because SSIS file mapping object 'GlobalDTSQLIMPORT ' could not be opened. Operating system error code 2(The system cannot find the file specified.).

    Make sure you are accessing a local server via Windows security.the SSIS is located in remote server or local?try this this.and thisheyjbphoenixYak Posting Veteran68 PostsPosted - 2009-01-05: 15:31:52Thanks for you help.That worked mostly - I did change it to an ole db destination. But now I'm getting a failure on the flat source file. It says the file is being used by another resouce.

    ErrataImportant, please read!Hi, I noticed something weird when upgrading my packages as described below, and thought it would be fair to share this with you. Script Tasks might not get upgraded wellThere seems to be an issue with upgrading packages with Script Tasks in it. Hans is an Independent Business Intelligence and Datawarehouse Consultant & Microsoft SQL Server Consultant, working in the Netherlands.He has been working in the software industry since 1996, with SQL Server since the year 2001, and since 2008 he has a primary focus on datawarehouse- and business intelligence projects using Microsoft technology, using a Datavault and Kimball architecture.

    He has a special interest in Datawarehouse Automation and Metadata driven solutions. Certified in Data Vault Modeling: Certified Data Vault 2.0 Practitioner, CDVDM (aka Data Vault 1.0). Certified in MS SQL Server:. MCSA (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate) SQL Server 2012- MCITP Business Intelligence Developer 2005/2008- MCITP Database Developer 2005/2008- MCITP Database Administrator 2005/2008Post navigation. Hi Hansel,nice article indeed. I’ve some queries below:# I’ve successfully upgraded one package from VS 2010 to VS 2015 and now I checked in code and the PackageFormatVersion showing=8# When I executed the package it works fine but the issues are:# When I executed the package from the command prompt bydtexec.exe /F Package1.dtsxThe version number in the package is not validThe version number cannot be greater than the current version numberPlease suggest me a possible solution as I’ve used Windows task scheduler for all package jobs scheduling but in this new version the execution fails from command prompt.Thanks. Hi Mohammed,If you still have SQL Server 2012 installed on the same machine, you might be calling the SQL Server 2012 version of dtexec.exeChange the command to include full path of (the SQL Server 2016 version of) dtexec.exe surrounded by double quotes, it’s in the shared features folder of SQL Server 2016.It depends on your installation what the exact path is, for a default installation it would be“C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server130DTSBinndtexec.exe” /F Package1.dtsxLet me know if this solves your problem, otherwise I will think along with you what else could be wrong.

    Ssis File Mapping Object Could Not Be Opened

    Hi,I have an SQL Server 2012 installed and Visual Studio 2015. I have few SSIS packages developed in 2008. I have upgraded them to 2010 and now trying to upgrade them to 2015 Visual Studio. When i paste all 2008 packages under SSIS Packages in SSIS project and run “Upgrade all packages” I get below erorrs and all upgrades fail.TITLE: The Upgrade had Errors——————————Error 0xc001f429: Package Upgrade: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.——————————BUTTONS:OK——————————Please help me. Hello Sai, sorry to hear that your SSIS Packages upgrade failed. It is however for me hard to tell what could be the cause. You said you upgraded to 2010 but 2010 is not a SQL Server version, do you mean Visual Studio 2010?

    Maybe then just the Visual Studio project is upgraded, but not the packages itself, maybe they are still SSIS 2008. I never had to upgrade packages from 2008 to a higher version. I know that with BimlOnline you can reverse engineer SSIS Packages. Maybe you can convert the packages to Biml, and then from Biml to a newer SSIS version.See this blog post about it:Hope this helps.Best regards,Hans.

    Hello Bob, do you mean the script tasks actually contain the original script exactly as in the SSIS 2014 package and are still not working? Have you checked the scripts that they are not “empty” (as discussed in my blog post)? If they contain the scripts, this is new for me. I really start to regret that I blogged about this subject and thought is was easy.

    Could Not Bulk Load Because Ssis File Mapping Object Could Not Be Opened

    Upgrading seems cumbersome and buggy. A few things you can try: If you have only a few packages add a new Script Task in SSIS 2016, copy the code from the SSIS 2014 Script Task in it, and let it replace the SSIS 2014 Script Task. So just stupid manual upgrade. The second thing you can try is go to, then import your SSIS 2014 packages, and once you have the biml version of those packages, generate SSIS 2016 packages from the packages in biml format. I must admit I did not try this myself, but you could. Hope this helps.

    Best regards, Hans. Thanks its very nice article! In another note I have quick question. I’m working now with project upgrading from SQL 2012 to SQL2016. Our DBA did upgrade of SQL2016 and hand over to me for SSIS upgrade but I encountered a lot of issues. This first simple one I can’t do import SSIS packages from IS catalogs using vs2015, issues I’m not able to see the local server to choose even if I’m in the SSIS server box.

    After digging the possible issues I have see that two instance of SSIS services are running SSIS 11.0 and SSIS 13.0 version which still available SQL2012 version this is my possible guess the problem. I didn’t see it the reason behind keeping the old version rather directly upgrade to 2016.

    Also another problem I face is the I use to use Attunity Oracle driver for pulling data from Oracle server even if I install the version 4.0 from Microsoft that’s compatibility with SSIS2016 I’m not able to see the Oracle Datasource and Oracle Destination under DataFlow. Do you have any clue you can think of? Is this necessary to keep the old version of SSIS2012 server even if the SQL Database has only one instance which upgraded to SQL2016? Thanks for you time. Hello Daniel,A lot of information you give and a lot can have gone wrong.If I understand you correctly:– you want to get your packages out of the IS Catalog. Why would you want to do that?

    Don’t you have the SSIS Packages in a Visual Studio project?– You have upgraded SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2016. Officially it is supported, but you take a risk when doing that. My last upgrade from SQL 2012 to SQL 2016 was a side by side installation on the DEV/TEST server, upgraded the packages, checked that everything worked, then uninstall SQL 2012. After that the same procedure on the PROD Server. But for that you might temporarily need additional disk space and memory on your server, I must admit that. In my case the server was virtual and this was not a big problem. But this advice clearly is not very useful for you anymore.

    Maybe for a next time.If I were you I would split the problems: (1) Upgrade SSIS Packages (2) Fix Server Installation.For (1) I would take your original SSIS 2012 packages, see if you can convert them to Biml on, then create SSIS 2016 packages from the biml files.For (2) I would try to uninstall SSIS 11.0 from the server. If this doesn’t work, at least set the Service to “Manual” or “Disabled” and make sure it is not running to save system resources and to avoid that you use the wrong SSIS Service by accident.I do not know the Attunity Oracle driver and can not give advice on that.Hope this answer brings you a bit further in solving the issues you are currently facing.Best regards, Hans.

    Attunity 4.0 driver, if the programs/features shows the Attunity driver as installed but there are no Oracle source/targets available in SSIS, then the install was not correct.I recently blogged about this on linkedinthe attunity driver doesn’t stop an install if it isn’t correct. It only displays a warning message that it cannot find SqlServer in a message box popup.

    Attunity 4.0 requires local installation of SqlServer 2016 database software where you are installing. If you are installing the driver to something other than 2016 installation or are installing to client-only (such as PC or terminal server) then it won’t install correctly.

    Just install the 2016 developer edition database software (can disable the services switching to manual during install) and re-install Attunity and it should be fine. All my packages using attunity 2.0 worked fine with the new 4.0 driver. Also make sure you do this after installing Oracle client (11 or 12) and before upgrading the project. FYI – After upgrading at the project level you may have to open each package and save it or you will end up with a corrupted project! At least that’s what it did to me.After upgrading, open up one of your packages with a script task and if you see the following type of error message: Information while loading.dtsx: The Script Task “.” has been migrated.

    The package must be save to retain migration changes. Then watch out – you need to do this for each package and make sure you save it.If you don’t open each package and do this and instead save the entire project, then the next time you open up the project the individual packages may be corrupted. Hans, btwyou saved me a LOT of heartache by this blog post as I read it prior to upgrading so didn’t attempt the methods that don’t work. I owe you.Also, you might note that I have found major issues with the more recent releases of SSDT (17.1/17.2) and do not recommend attempting to use them. See my article in linkedin for more details. I’m just completing a major migration from 2012 to 2016 that includes a lot of 3rd party SSIS plugins, anyone reading this is welcome to ping me on issues/gotchas.

    Hello Bille, how many packages do you have?Due to the response on this blog post I learned that upgrading script tasks often gives problems. Some things you could try:(1) convert the SSIS 2008 packages to biml-code first on using the “SSIS Package Importer”, then rebuild packages for SSIS 2016 from the biml files.(2) first convert to SSIS 2012, and then to 2016.(3) If you have reasonable number of packages (say not hundreds) you might make yourself angry and upgrade the packages first, then copy over each script task manually and compile it again. Depending on the number of packages of course this might be doable in a reasonable time.

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